38 High Availability Software for the Intel
ZT 4901 Technical Product Specification
Redundant Host API
OUT BOOL*pbReset );
Handle – the handle of the current session
SourceHost - the number of the source host
Domain – the domain number
pDestinationHost pointer to the variable receives the number of the host that should own
the specified domain if the source host fails and hardware-initiated
switchover takes place for it
pbReset pointer to the variable receives the state of the flag that indicates whether
the specified destination host will perform a reset if the host receives
control of a segment
Return Value:
returned in the case of success
invalid session handle or the specified domain does not exist
returned if this function is not supported by the infrastructure
Other, implementation-defined HSI_STATUS values
returned if other errors occurred during execution of this function
This function gets the destination host that owns the specified domain and the reset flag value if a
hardware-initiated switchover takes place due to the failure of the source host.
6.2 Redundant Host PICMG* 2.12 APIs
This chapter describes a supplementary API for domain management and switchover from the
application level.
The interface described in this section is implemented as a set of functions exported to an
These functions allow the client to perform the following operations:
• Initialize and terminate an instance of this interface
• Enumerate the hosts, domains and slots in the system
• Get information about devices in slots
• Initiate domain switchovers among hosts
• Enable and disable notifications regarding switchover operations
• Specify actions that result from hardware-initiated alarms and control notifications about