Glossary-10 6110 Series Hand-Held Computer User’s Guide
the layer beneath it and feeds information to the protocols
in the layers above it. TCP/IP has five layers of protocols,
and OSI has seven.
Liquid Crystal Display.
LLC (Logical Link Control)
The upper portion of the data link layer, defined in the
IEEE 802.2 standard. The LLC layer represents a uniform
interface to the user of the data link service, usually a
network layer.
Local Controller
A controller which is directly connected to a host computer.
A local controller uses either secondary ADCCP or ASYNC
on its host port.
Master Boot Card
See IFL Card
MB (Megabyte)
One million bytes.
Memory Cards
See PC Card
A communication device that enables a computer to
transmit information over a telephone line.
Modem Baud Rate
The speed of the modem connection. The higher the number
the faster the rate.
Modem Device Name
The name of the communications port, for example: COM1,
AUX2, HOST3, or DIGI4.
Modem Settings
The command strings required by your modem.