
156 | HP Jornada 680/680e Users Guide
Problem Diagnosis/Remedy
HP Jornada will not The HP Jornada is not properly seated
establish a in the docking cradle, the sync cable is not
connection with connected properly to the PC or the
a desktop PC. HP Jornada, or communications are not
configured correctly. Reconnect the cable
correctly or see Windows CE Services Help
for more information.
Serial port does Disconnecting from a dialup connection
not function. established using HP dialup can cause the
serial port to fail. Reset the serial port (see
the procedure in the Remote Connections
section later in this chapter).
Web pages are not If you set up the Web service using HP
displayed according dialup, the options you set in HP dialup
to the options you determine the way Web pages are
set in Pocket Internet displayed. Options you change in Pocket
Explorer. Internet Explorer affect only the current
Web session; these changes are not saved.
The HP viewer seems Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks databases
to launch slowly. are very big. Limit the size of your databases
by synchronizing only selected contacts,
appointments, and tasks. For more
information, see the Synchronizing
selected data section in chapter 3.
Pressing the Pocket My Handheld PC or Windows Explorer may
Internet Explorer be open. Pressing the Pocket Internet
hot key does not Explorer hot key will switch between any
launch the program. open folders (e.g., Control Panel, My
Documents, or My Handheld PC) and Pocket
Internet Explorer. This is the correct behavior.
HP Jornada will Message header is too big. If your address
not send e-mail list exceeds 32KB, Inbox cannot send
messages from the message.
Cannot retrieve e-mail Older messages are not being retrieved.
messages, or some By default, Inbox displays only messages
e-mail messages are sent in the last 3 days. Change this setting,
missing. or set Inbox to display all messages. For
more information, see the Inbox settings
section in chapter 6.