6. Click Add to Phone Book to add the recipient information to the MFP Send Fax phone book. This
step is optional.
NOTE: Click Clear Fields to remove all of the values in the Recipient Name, Fax Number, and
Company Name text boxes.
7. The default cover page information appears under Include With Fax in the HP MFP Send Fax
dialog box. This information can be changed for any individual fax job.
NOTE: To set the default cover page settings for all faxes, see Configuration on page 57.
8. If the billing-code feature is enabled, type the billing code under Billing Information in the HP MFP
Send Fax dialog box. The billing code can be changed for any individual fax job.
9. To send the fax with the default sender, fax quality, notification information, and preview
preferences, click Send.
NOTE: Click the Setup tab in the HP MFP Send Fax dialog box to view the sender, fax quality,
notification, and preview settings. This information can be changed for any individual fax job. Click
Send to send the fax.
ENWW Sending a fax to a single recipient 35