uSinG the tRavel chaRGeR8.
The Jabra LINK 350 USB Bluetooth Adapter and Travel Charger are included with the Jabra GO 6430 package; they
are available as accessories for all other Jabra GO solutions. This chapter explains how to use the Travel Charger.
See also Chapter 3: Product Overview for detailed diagrams.
StoRinG the headSet and JabRa link 350 uSb bluetooth adaPteR8.1
The Travel Charger includes compartments for storing the headset on one side and the Jabra LINK 350 USB
Bluetooth Adapter on the other. These make it easy to bring a full Jabra GO solution with you and also prepare
the headset to be charged.
Figure 18: The Jabra GO headset and Jabra LINK 350 USB Bluetooth Adapter tting into the Travel Charger
chaRGinG the headSet with the tRavel chaRGeR8.2
To charge the headset, insert the headset into the Travel Charger and connect the mini-USB port on the Travel
Charger to a power source. See Section 4.1: Charging the Headset for details.
coMMunicatinG with a Pc8.3
You can use the programs of the Jabra PC Suite to make headset settings and to update the headset rmware
while the headset is docked in its Travel Charger and connected to the PC via a USB cable. The headset battery
will also be charged while it is connected in this way, but more slowly than if you connected the charger to a wall
outlet. (Though you can also update the headset’s conguration wirelessly via the Jabra LINK 350 USB Bluetooth
Adapter, you can only update the rmware when it is physically connected via the USB cable and Travel Charger.)
See also Chapter 5: Installing and Running the Jabra PC Suite for more information about conguring your headset
from your PC and updating its rmware.