- Slow-ashing green light:
The headset and USB Bluetooth® Adapter are paired but not (yet) connected. Connection occurs
automatically — as long as your headset is switched on and close by, the headset tries to connect
periodically and indenitely. When the light changes to constant green or yellow (see above), your headset
is connected.
- Constant blue light:
The headset and USB Bluetooth® Adapter are not yet paired. The adapter is in pairing mode. This means
that you need to pair the headset to the USB Bluetooth® Adapter before you connect them. See the section
“Pairing the Adapter and Headset” for instructions.
4. You are now ready to use your headset with your computer. If you have not already done so, then install the
Jabra PC Suite software as described in Chapter 5: Installing and Running the Jabra PC Suite; see also the PC
Suite online help.
To pair your Jabra GO headset and Jabra LINK 350 USB Bluetooth® Adapter:
1. Attach the USB Bluetooth® Adapter to your PC and turn on the PC (see also the section 10.3: Jabra LINK 350 USB
Bluetooth® Adapter Setup and Connection).
2. Put the USB Bluetooth® Adapter in pairing mode by pressing and holding its multifunction button for about 2
seconds — until its blue pairing LED turns on and stays lit.
3. If your headset is currently turned on, turn it o by pressing and holding on its multifunction button for about
4 seconds — until its LED gives three quick red ashes and then turns o.
4. Put your (powered-o) headset in pairing mode by pressing and holding on its multifunction button for about
4 seconds — until its LED lights a constant blue.
5. Place the headset close to the USB Bluetooth® Adapter and wait for a few seconds. When pairing is successful,
you will see the following indicators:
- On the adapter: the LED ashes blue quickly ve times and turns o.
- On the headset: the LED ashes blue ve times and then turns o.
6. Your headset and USB Bluetooth® Adapter are now paired and connected.
Figure 78:
Jabra GO headset paired with both a mobile phone and the Jabra LINK 350 USB Bluetooth® Adapter