Other Hints on Caring
For Your Refrigerator
Replacing Light Bulbs
It is recommended that youdisconneet the power cord before replacing light
To replace upper refrigerator light bulb! _.1)grasp the light shield near the ends
and pull out untilthe shield pulls free of the retainer lugs,'2) unscrew bulb and replace
with a 60 watt appliance bulb; and 3) hook the light shield over the upper retainer lugs
and press in at the bottom until the shield snaps in place.
To replace freezer light bulb (Model JRS203 and JRS226 only): use a 40 watt
standard base bulb.
To replace freezer light bulb (ModelJRSD226 only): 1)removethe icecubedis-
penser bin and the top freezer shelf; 2) unhook tabs on top of the light shield by press-
ing in with thumb on center top of light shield; 3) pivot shield down; 4) unscrew bulb
when cool and replace with standard 40 watt appliance bulb; 5) pivotshield up into place,
snapping tabs into slots; and 6) replace freezer shelf and ice cub dispenser bin.
(i)I1 Vacation
If you will be gone for a month or less, leave the control knob at its usual setting.
During longer absences, (a) remove all food, (b) disconnect from electrical outlet, (c)
clean the refrigerator thoroughly, including defrost pan, (d) leave doors open to prevent
odor formation.