Food Storage Chart
Storage times are approximate and may vary depending on type of packaging, storage temperature, and the quality
of the food when purchased.
Butter 1 month 6 to 9 months Wrap tightly or cover.
Milk and cream 1 week Not recommended Check carton date. Close tightly.
Don't return unused portions to
original container. Don't freeze
cream unless whipped.
Cream cheese, cheese 1 to 2 weeks Not recommended Wrap tightly.
spread and cheese food
Cottage cheese 3 to 5 days Not recommended Store in original carton.
Check carton date.
Sour cream 10 days Not recommended Store in original carton.
Check carton date.
Hard cheese 1 to 2 months /4to 6 months Wrap tightly.
(Swiss, Cheddar and Parmesan) May become Cut off any mold.
Eggs in the shell 3 weeks Not recommended Refrigerate small ends down.
Leftover yolks or whites 2 to/4 days 9 to 12 months For each cup of yolks to be frozen,
add 1 tsp. sugar for use in sweet, or
1 tsp. salt for non-sweet dishes.
Apples 1 month 8 months (cooked) May also store unripe or hard apples
at 60° to 70° F (16° to 21° C).
Bananas 2 to 4 days 6 months Ripen at room temperature before
(whole/peeled) refrigerating. Bananas darken when
Pears, plums, avocados 3 to/4 days Not recommended Ripen at room temperature before
refrigerating. Avocados darken when
Berries, cherries, apricots 2 to 3 days 6 months Ripen at room temperature before
Grapes 3 to 5 days 1 month (whole) Ripen at room temperature before
Citrus fruits 1 to 2 weeks Not recommended May also store at 60° to 70° F (16° to
21° C). If refrigerated, store uncovered.
Pineapples, cut 2 to 3 days 6 to 12 months Will not ripen after purchase.
Use quickly.