2. Special Notes
2.1 If you want to convert Real player, QuickTime or MPEG2 files, please first install the corresponding decoder.
2.2 When you want to convert Real player, QuickTime or MPEG2 format files which are not supported by your current version of Windows
Media Player, please install corresponding compatible decoder for Windows Media player, until the Media Player will play this file,
otherwise the conversion software will not function. You may download a free codec plugin software for Windows Media Player at
2.3 When a small size AMV file is up-converted to a larger size one, and if the setting of "picture transform" is Normal, the conversion will be
inhibited. If other settings are used, it will be converted but it will reserve the small size and frame rate of the source AMV file.
2.4 There is no limit to how small you can down-convert a video when a larger size AMV file is used.
2.5 To play SWF files, you need to download Adobe’s Shockwave Player as a plugin form Internet Explorer first.
2.6 This conversion tool doesn’t support the audio and the video character display of the AMV file which is converted from Flash (SWF file).
Enjoy Your AMV Movie
To enjoy the converted movie on your PC, you can play it through the AMV Player (Programs\MP3
Player utilities 4.13\AMV Player).