waits 0-0.7 second before sending response to avoid too many responses are sent in short period from many
Response Example system.id=VN-H37( OK<CRLF>
7. Using API that Requires Basic Authentication
Basic authentication is required for JVC API explained in Section 7 or later. This section provides general
explanation of those APIs.
7.1. Procedure
1) The client establishes a TCP connection to port number 80.
2) The client sends API.
API has following structure.
The following is an example of API for Getting subnet mask of the camera.
GET /api/param?network.interface.subnetmask HTTP/1.1<CRLF>
Accept: text/plain<CRLF>
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46anZj<CRLF><CRLF>
Specify the response format by Accept line. Plain text response is returned when this is specified as text/plain.
HTML response is returned when text/html is specified. HTML response is returned when Accept is not specified.
These APIs for getting/setting parameters are protected by basic authentication. Authorization line needs to
include encoded username and password. There are 3 types of usernames, namely admin, operator and user.
Available APIs are different for each username. Join the user name and the password using a colon, Base64
encode this character string and enter this in the Authorization line.
For example, when
User name admin
Password jvc
then the character string joining the user name and the password with a colon is:
text/plain (or text/html)