Chapter 5---Electronics
5-42 Model 250 Service Manual
Table 5-1
Projection orientation jumper settings.
P50 goes to:
P53 goes to:
P100 goes to:
J50 J53 J100
JA50 JA53 J101
JA50 J53 J101
J50 JA53 J100
Whenever the horizontal scan jumper is switched from front projection to
rear projection, the convergence must also be switched from J50 to J50A.
Floor/Ceiling Jumper Setting
The Ceiling/Floor jumpers invert the image vertically for use in some situations
that use dual mirror projection setups.
The Model 250 Projector can not be
mounted in the inverted (upside down) position,
however there are
dual mirror applications where the vertical scan jumper will need to be
changed to the inverted setting (JA53).
Figure 5-21 illustrates the location of the jumpers on the Scan Reversal Board.
The Model 250 Projector is shipped in the normal vertical projection position with
the jumper plug inserted into J53. For an inverted vertical setup this jumper plug
must be inserted into JA53. (see Table 5-1 for other orientations).
To invert the vertical image:
1. Power off the projector by IR Remote or PC, and allow the cooling fans to
run until they shut off automatically.
2. Turn the AC Circuit Breaker to the OFF position and unplug the AC
Power Cord.
3. Remove the rear cover.
4. Verify that the Vertical Scan Jumper is plugged into J53 for upright
projection. (see Figure 5-25 and Table 5-1).
5. Switch the Vertical Scan Jumper to JA53 for inverted projection. The
Convergence Jumper will not need to be changed for inverted projection
unless the Horizontal Scan Jumper is being changed.
6. Replace the rear cover.