K3 System Page 2
Installation & Operation
K3 Chassis
The K3 Chassis holds the Power, Control and A/B Switch modules for the K3 system. It installs in a
standard 19” EIA equipment cabinet, requiring 1.75” (1U) of rack height. K3 systems are preconfigured
and tested in the factory. All Control, Power and Switch modules are pre-installed.
Manual Switch Control
A front panel momentary toggle switch for each A/B Switch installed allows local manual control.
AB Switch Status Indication
Two front panel LED's for each A/B Switch installed indicates switch position A or B.
Individual switch status can also be monitored thru the Network or Contact control interface.
Remote alarms or displays can be controlled by the status signal of each switch, which are provided as
form C relay contacts when the Contact interface is installed.
Power Supply Status Indication
The K3 has two LED indicators that display the current status of two power supply sources. These are
designated PS-1 and PS-2. LED ON Indicates the power supply source is connected.
PS-1 Internal Power Supply Module, or External Power Supply #1
PS-2 External Power Supply #2