Should you experience discomfort while viewing 3D video images, take a 10-to-15 minute break or try viewing the video
in 2D. Consult your health care provider, if necessary.
Due to vision development concerns, Do Not allow children under the age of 6 to view 3D video images. Parents should
supervise children closely to prevent prolonged 3D viewing.
Keep proper distance from TV while viewing 3D videos or images. Minimum distance between you and the TV screen
should be 7 feet. Refer to Section 2: TV Placement for Best 3D Experience for proper TV distance and height from
viewing audience.
For those with epilepsy, have a family history linked to epilepsy, or have experienced epileptic-type symptoms in the
past, consult your health care provider before viewing 3D videos or images.
Avoid viewing 3D content when under the influence of alcohol.
Viewing 3D content may cause dizziness and/or disorientation for some viewers. To avoid injury, do not place you the
TV at or near stairwells, balconies, or wires. Clear viewing area of any objects that can break and cause injury when
accidentally hit.