Using a Remote Unit
01-0870-401B 01/03 33
Execute commands consists of a command mnemonic, which is followed by a
space, the command instruction, a space, and the parameter.
■ Query commands direct the TDR6 to display the current setting of a specific
parameter or to display current status information.
Query commands consists of a command mnemonic, which is followed by a
space, and the command instruction. Query commands are issued by typing
the command, without a parameter, and pressing Enter. The TDR6 responds
to the query by displaying information on the remote display.
The TDR6 uses the following command mnemonics to group various commands:
■ AD – audio decoder commands
The TDR6 can be configured with up to six separate audio channels based on
the installed option cards. The ports are identified based on the following:
❒ If only a TDEC-6100 option module is installed, analog audio ports A and
B can be configured.
❒ If only a TAUD-6100 option module is installed, digital audio ports A to
D can be configured.
❒ If both option modules are installed, audio ports A, B, C, and D
correspond to the digital audio ports located on the TAUD-6100 board,
while audio ports E and F correspond to the analog audio ports located on
the TDEC-6100 option module.
■ DC – decoder services management commands allow you to configure
various decompressor/decoder control operations.
■ DMD – demodulator commands allow you to configure each of the four LNB
input ports and to display receive signal status information. For DMD
commands, a period must be entered to separate the mnemonic from the
channel designator.
❒ demodulator A (DMD.A) — used to configure LNB A
❒ demodulator B (DMD.B) — used to configure LNB B
❒ demodulator C (DMD.C) — used to configure LNB C
❒ demodulator D (DMD.D) — used to configure LNB D
■ Fault commands enable you to query faults and clear the fault history.
■ HD – high-definition video decoder commands allow you to display or set the
HD video operating parameters.
MC RS232 BAUD 1200
mnemonic instruction
Command =
mnemonic instruction
Command =