PTZ Page
This page sets the movement speed for Auto Return and Preset Position.
This page can be used during access using AadminB or AoperatorB.
● First, set the frame size to 640 x 360 or 640 x 480 in the [Encode] page. (A Page 26)
● Press the [OK] button to enable the new settings.
● If the [OK] button is pressed upon entering an invalid value, a warning message will appear and the
entry will be denied. Press the [Cancel] button to restore the invalid entry to the value before the
change was made. If you press the [Cancel] button, other changed items will also be restored to the
values before the change was made.
● You can use the Digital PTZ for frame sizes 640 x 360 and 640 x 480 only. (A Page 17)
* The [Set values] in bold letters are factory defaults.
Click [Advanced Settings] and [PTZ].
A Auto Return
Restores automatically to the state being specified under [Mode] if the
manually operated camera is not operated for the time period specified by
[Return Time].
Mode Sets an action taken after Auto Return.
Disable : Disables the auto return.
Home : Returns to the home position.
Auto Patrol : Restores the auto patrol action.
[Set values: Disable, Home, Auto Patrol]
Return Time Sets a time before restoring the action by Auto Return.
[Set values: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60] min
Test Click [Execute] to test the Auto Return action.
B Preset Position
Specifies the speed to move to the preset position.
● The speed to move the preset position of Auto Patrol is not specified in this
setting as the setting of the speed to move the Auto Patrol page is applied.
[Set values: Moment, Low, Mid, High]