There are 3 levels of background color transparency, you can choose from : level 1 is totally
transparent, level 3 is opaque, and level 2 is between level 1 and 3. The background color is used
in setup menu and search function.
This option determines the embedded buzzer sounding a tone to signal the following situations. A
tone lasts about two seconds long.
ON: Enables buzzer.
OFF: Disables buzzer.
Alarm occurs
Video loss occurs
Disk is full
Load factory default
Buzzer set to ON
Enable/disable key lock function
Power on /off mobile rack HDD
Backup operation complete
Timer activate/deactivate
Recording switching between HDD
This option allows you to set a password to prevent any unauthorized re-formatting of the
hard-disk drives or use by a network viewer. The standard password is “9999”.
OLD PASSWORD: Enter the pre-set password (or the standard password if this is the initial
setting) to access the password setting system.
NEW PASSWORD: Enter a 4-digit-number password of your choosing which will replace
the pre-set password (or the standard password “9999”).
When this option is on, user must pass the password check before entering the setup menu.
ON: Enables it.
OFF: Disables it.
This option allows you to reload the factory default setting. Please do note that the password can
not be changed in the factory default setting.
The VR-601 offers a quick setup method by using a SD card. If the user wants to set up many a
number of the same devices with the same settings, he can save the whole settings to a SD card,
then transfer to another DVR.
SAVE: Saves the whole setting to the SD card.
LOAD: Loads the whole setting from the SD card.
This item is in the setup menu reveal network MAC, BIOS version, and software version, and last
updated date.
MAC : 00 : 0c : 0c : 00 : 00 : 07
BIOS : 1.05
SW : 1.00J
DATE : Jun 9 2003