Default (Initial) Value List
Scheduler (Specifying a Scheduler, Page 24) [ ]: Factory default
Online [Always online]
Speedup [Always offline]
E-mail [Always offline]
Patrolling [Always offline]
Camera Record Settings ([Edit Device] - [Camera Settings], Page 42)
PTZ Camera Settings
Pan/Tilt/Zoom(PTZ)Camera is connected [Not selected]
Camera Type [Fixed]
Camera Administration (Camera Recording Setting, Page 28)
Speedup Settings
Framerate [8]
Frame/ [Sec.]/Min./Hour
Recording Settings
Desired framerate [8]
Frame/ [Sec.]/Min./Hour
Speedup [Not selected]
When to store images in database Always/Never/[Conditionally]
On motion [Selected]
On event [Not selected]
[3] seconds pre/post recordings on motion/event
Database Settings (Database Settings, Page 54)
Max. records in database [Selected] [108000]
Max. time span in database [Not selected]
When the database is full, automatically archives [Selected]
In case of database failure the following action should be taken
Repair, Scan, Delete if fails/Repair, Delete
if fails/Repair, Archive if fails/Delete (no
repair)/[Archive (no repair)]
PTZ Preset (Display the [PTZ Preset Positions] window, Page 41)
PTZ Preset Positions
Use preset positions from device [Not selected]
Preset Position on Events
PTZ preset positions on events [Not selected]
Auto PTZ Patrolling (Setup PTZ Patrolling, Page 43)
Patrol scheme [My patrol scheme]
PTZ patrolling schedule settings
Stay at each position in the patrol schedule (sec.) [5]
Time for each PTZ camera movement to complete (sec.) [3]
PTZ Patrolling Actions on Detected Motion
Disable patrolling schedule if motion is detected [Not selected]
Motion Detection (You can configure the camera’s motion detection, Page 54)
Noise Sensitivity [40]
Motion Sensitivity [640]