Caller ID Speaker Phone w/SOS Remote Control V11M11_IM_EN_04222008
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• If neither the batteries nor an AC adapter are connected, the JT-P551 will still be
able to place and receive calls, but the speakerphone, the ability to store Caller
ID data, and the LCD display functions will not operate.
• When batteries are used without an AC adapter, they should be replaced when
the display dims.
• When replacing the batteries without an AC adapter connected, it’s the best to
pick up the handset before removing the batteries. Doing so prevents the loss of
stored Caller ID data and programmed settings while the batteries are being
replaced. If not done, it’s possible that all settings and data in the phone’s
memory will be lost.
• If batteries are not installed in the main unit or the batteries are low, the RED
speaker phone button light will flash. Flashing RED will continue until batteries
are installed.