Additional Considerations for Racing
When a plug of the correct heat range is belng used, the
electrodes will stay hot enough to keep all the carbon
burned off, but cool enough to keep from damaging the
engine and the plug itself. This temperature is about 400
-800°C (750 -1 ,450°F} and can be judged by noting
the condition and color of the ceramic insulator around
the center electrode. If the ceramic is clean and of a light
brown color, the plug is operating at the right temperature.
A spark plug for higher operating temperatures is used
for racing. Such a plug is designed for better cooling
efficiency so that it will not overheat and thus is often
called a "colder" plug. If a spark plug with too cool a heat
range is used -that is, a "cold" plug that cools itself too
well -the plug will stay too cool to burn off the carbon,
and the carbon will collect on the electrodes and the
ceramic insulator.
The carbon on the electrodes conducts electricity, and
can short the center electrode to ground by either coating
the ceramic insulator or bridging across the gap. Such a
short will prevent an effective spark. Carbon build-up on
the plug can also cause other troubles. It can heat up
red-hot and cause preignition and knocking, which may
eventually burn a hole in the top of the piston.
This motorcycle has been manufactured for use in a
reasonable and prudent manner and as a vehicle only,
However, some may wish to subject this motorcycle to
abnormal operation, such as would be experienced under
racing conditions. KAWASAKI STRONGLY
Racing should be done under supervised conditions,
and recognized sanctioning bodies should be contacted
for further details. For those who desire to participate in
competitive racing or related use, the following technical
information may prove useful. However, please note the
following important notes.
.You are entirely responsible for the use of your
motorcycle under abnormal conditions such as racing,
and Kawasaki shall not be liable for any damages which
might arise from such use.
.Kawasaki's Limited Motorcycle Warranty and Limited
Emission Control Systems Warranty specifically exclude
motorcycles which are used in competition or related
uses. Please read the warranty carefully.
.Motorcycle racing is a very sophisticated sport, subject
to many variables. The following information is
theoretical only, and Kawasaki shall not be liable for any
damages which might arise from alterations utilizing this
.When the motorcycle is operated on public roads, it
must be in its original state in order to ensure safety and
compliance with applicable regulations.
Sometimes an alteration may be desirable for improved
performance under special conditions when proper
mixture is not obtained after the carburetor has been
properly adjusted, and all parts cleaned and found to be
functioning properly.
If the engine still exhibits symptoms of overly rich or
lean carburetion after all maintenance and adjustments are
correctly performed, the main jet can be replaced with a
smaller or larger one. smaller numbered jet gives a leaner
mixture and larger numbered jet a richer mixture.
Spark Plug:
The spark plug ignites the fuel and air mixture in the
combustion chamber. To do this effectively and at the
proper time, the correct spark plug must be used, and the
spark plug must be kept clean and the gap adjusted.
Tests have shown the plug listed in the "General
Information" chapter to be the best plug for general use.
Since spark plug requirements change with the ignition
and carburetion adjustments and with riding conditions,
whether or not a spark plug of the correct heat range is
used should be determined by removing and inspecting
the plug.