Service and Adjustment (cont'd)
Temperature-Pressure Relief
Valve Operation
The temperature-pressure relief valve must be manually operated
at least once a year.
The water heater should be drained if being shut down during
freezing temperatures. Also periodic draining and cleaning of
sediment from the tank may be necessary.
• Before beginning turn "OFF" the electric power supply to the
water heater.
any access panels or servicing the water heater, make
I sure the electrical supplyto the water heater is turned I
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The temperature-pressure relief valve must be manually
operated at least once a year. Caution shouldbe taken to
ensurethat (I) no one is in front of or around the outlet
of the temperature-pressure relief valve discharge line,
and (2) the water manually dischargedwill not causeany
property damage or bodily injury. The water may be
extremely hot.
If after manuallyoperatingthe valve,it failsto completely
reset and continues to release water, immediately close
the coldwater inlet to the water heater, followthe drain-
ing instructions, and replace the temperature-pressure
relief valvewith a new one.
• CLOSE the cold water inlet valve to the water heater.
• OPEN a nearby hot water faucet and leave open to allow for
• Connect a hose to the drain valve and terminate to an
adequatedrain or outdoors.
• OPEN the water heater drain valve to allow for rank draining.
NOTE: If the water heater is going to be shut down and
drained for an extended period, the drain valve should be
left open with hose connected allowing water to terminate
m an adequate drain.
• Close the drain valve.
• Follow "Filling the W,,ater Heater" instructions in the
Installation Instructions section.
Failure to install and maintain a new properly listed tempera-
ture-pressure relief valve will release the manufacturer from any
claim which might result from excessivetemperature or pressure.
If the temperature-pressure relief valve on the appliance
weeps or dischargesperiodically,this may be due to ther-
mal expansion.Yourwater heater may havea checkvalve
installedin the water line or a water meter with a check
valve. Consultyour local SearsServiceCenter for further
information. Do not plug the temperature-pressure relief
• Turn "ON" power to the water heater.
Never use this water heater unlessit is completely full I
water. To prevent damage to the tank and heating ele-I
ment, the tank must be:filled with water. Water must I
flow from the hot water faucet before turning "ON"I
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