Forone year fi'om tlxedare of pro'chase, when yo_' Sears Kenmo_ ,a_ter heater is inst,'dled mid operated in a dngle-fm_i]y residence in
accordance with the h_structions in tlxis mmau,'d,SearswRl:
I. Repairdefects in maseria] or workmmaslxip in this water hmte_; free of chm'g¢.
2. Furnish gad install a nm,¢c_'tent modal water heater ofequM capacity and quMiD; f_e of chaR,,e,if aleak occurs in the trunk.
After one year gad through 12 yem'sfrom the date of purchase for,a_ter heaters xksedin a single-family residence, if a leak occurs in tlxe
ink, Searswill furnish a note current modal ,a_ter heaterof equal capacity and quality. You will be chm_{edfor any inst,'dlation.
After one year gad through 12 yem'sfrom the date of purchase, when your Sem'sKenmor¢ water heaser is used in a dngle-fm_ily
residence and is inst,'dlc_dand operated in a_rdance witl: tlxe inft*rmation in tlxismmau,'d,ira part fails due to a maseria]s or
workmmaship, Sem'swill _mish a replacement free of chm'b,¢.Youwill be charged for labor.
Ifthe ,a_ter heater is subjected ru commercial, h_stiturional, in&tstri,,doruse in _ddences of two fm_ilie_ or mote, tlxeabove warrmaty
ctwer,%,efi._rr,mks that I_tkis_Tecti*_ef_r 2 yemxfrom tlxeda_ of purchase gad tlxeabtwe parts ,a_rranry is e£'ecri*_ f_r 1 year fi'om tlxe
date of p_'ch_se.
To obtain wm'ranty serdce, SIMPI _-CALL 1-800 -4M_r'-HOME (1-800-4694663). "This ,a_rrmaty applies only while this product is
n use m takeUn ted State&
This wm'ranty gires you specific legal righr_ and you may ,'dsohare other rig,lxtswhich vary from state to state.
SE_LRS,RO 318UC'( AND CO,, Dept, 817 *¢¢_,l IOF _MAN ES']'_YFES,IL 60179
The prlo¢ofyo_ water heater does notindode a free checb.tpsc.a_o¢call.On waterhearerinsvaJlat_onsarrangedbyScars,S_rs warrantsthe installation.
Achargewillbemadeon servicec;_11sduc to poor orincompleteinsval].ation,Theseinclude:
a.kdiust_ngtkemmsvat b, I._k* inp_pesorfittings c. Condensation
Congratulationson makinga smartpurchase,YournewKenmorc_prod-
uct isdcsigncdand manufacturedfory_ts of dependableoperation.But
likeall products, it mWrequireprcv_:ntiv_:mainrcnanccor repair from
time to time, That's w]:en ]:as4nga Master Protection Agreementcan
sav_:youmoney,and aggravation,
Purchasea MasterProtection Abwccmcntnowand protect yourselffrom
un_pcctcd hassleand _pcnse,
The Master ProtectionAgreement_so hdps _tcnd the lifeofyour new
product, Hercswhats hduded h _c Agreement:
• Ex-pertS_wlcebyour 12,000profe_donalrepairspecialists.
• Unlimited serviceand no charge for parrs and laboron _1 cove:red
• '%lo-lemon_ gtmrantec- replacementofvour coveredproduct[ffiour
ormoreproduct failuresoccurwkhin twelve:months.
• Prod_tctrepine,anent ifyourcove:redproductcan'tbe£xcd,
• Anmtal Pr_nti-,_ Malntenance Check at your request - no extra
• Fasthelp by phone - phone support from a Searste&niciaa on
• Power xttrgeprot_tlan againstdcctr[caldamagedue to powerfluc-
• Rantal rdmb_ant ifrepairofyourcove:redproduct rakeslonger
Once youpurc_e the Agreement,a simplephone callisfll thatit takc_
_Suryouto *cheduleservice,You cancallanytimedayor night,or sehed-
dc a scr_@cappointment ondinc.
has over 12,000 professionalrepair spedallsrs,who have acecssm
over4,5 million qual[t),partsand arxc_)r'_m,That's the kind of pmfes-
sionali*myoucancount onm hdp prolongtheI_'_cofyournew purchase
£r y_ts to a)me, PurchaseyourMasterProtectionAgreementtoda¢.
Some limitations and excl_iom appiT For prices and additional
information call 1-800-827ff_655
ForScatspro_ional [_srallationof home appliances,garagedoor open-
ers, water 1:eatersand ot1:ermajor home items, in the U.S,A,, call
For in-home major brand repair service
Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a veeek (U,S,A, a,d Ca,ado)
1-800-4-MY-HOME _
WMfM_*,_dL_P_* CO I'1_
The modal number of your water ]:eater is _5oar_don the model rating plate on t_e front of the water heater,
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.