Section A: Pilot lightwill not light.
• ICheck the manual gas shut-oft valve to I
Disthe gas turned on? I_NO mplsee if it is in the open position, if it is open
YES " Ithen contact the gas utility company.
IWhile repeatedly depressing the igniter button,
Have you bled all the air | •l hold down the reset button until the pilot is lit and
NO . .
from the pilot tube and Im mPl' Imaintains a stable flame, then slowly release the
gas supp y ne? / Ireset button.
Isthe igniter producing a / ILIFollow the Testing the Igniter System l
NO ....
spark? _ _1 'nstruct'ons 'n th's manua' I
IFollow the Replacing the Pilot Assembly I
Isthe pilot tube and/or orifice / • l instructions found in this manual to access I
free from drtand debr s? _NO _ pilot tube and orifice. Clean as needed and
YES -- i re nsta p ot tube and or fce.*
Isthe pilot free from dirt and iiNO Jk Follow the Cleaning the Pilot Assembly I
debt s? F -iv instructions found in this manual,* I
Isthe pilot protected from cold | klEliminate any drafts. See the
drafts that could prevent it rNO _"Site Location" instructions found
from ghtng. -Bin this manual.
Remove the burner door assembly.
Is the flame arrestor free from dirt or
debris? See "Removing the Burner
Door Assembly" section of the manual
lfor removal instructions.*
Clean the flame arrestor
with a soft bristle brush
or vacuum cleaner.
ICheck the water heater for a Flammable Vapor (FV) event. I
If the flame arrestor show signs of discoloration, shut-off the gas I
Isupply to the water heater at the manual gas shut-off valve, then
Icontact Sears Service at: 1-800-4-MY-HOME _ (1-800-469-4663).
* This procedure requires the removal of water heater components.
Section B: Pilot light will not remain lit or repeatedly goes out.
Isthe thermocouple securely | I Make sure the thermoceuple is securely I
connected to the gas control _NO mml,lcennected. Finger tighten then give a I
Ivalve/therm°stat? / --ladditional 1/2 turn with a wrench. I
Test the thermocouple using the following procedure: Disconnect the thermocouple
from the gas control valve/thermostat. Using a multimeter with alligator clip leads,
attach the red lead to the body (copper part) of the thermocouple. Attach the black
lead to the end (silver part) of the thermocouple that connects to the gas control valve/
thermostat. Follow the instruction to light the pilot and watch the voltage readings on
the multimeter. After 45 seconds the meter should read 12 millivolts DC or more.*
_k •lls the thermoceuple fully I
IDoesthe thermocouple pass the test?_NO.plseated in the pilot bracket? I
_r Push the thermocouple in
IReplace the thermocouple. I forward until it is fully seated
the pilot bracket and retest.
IFollow the Replacing the Pilot Assembly
Isthe pilot tube and/or orifice / • l instructions found in this manual to access
Ifree_from dirtand debris? _ _ pilot tube and orifice. Clean as needed and
- -- | reinstall pilot tube and orifice.*
Iisthe pilot free from dirt and debris? I'iNO ihl• IFollow the Cleaning the Pilot Assembly I
_ qr'linstructions found inthis manual.*
lCheck for insufficient combustion air. I
Are there openings for l • IInstall correct size make-up air openings per the I
make-up air to enter the _NO _lCombustion Air and Ventilation section in this
room? J imanual.
Are the openings of sufficient size? i • iCorrect size of openings to 1
thisSeemanualC°mbusti°nforrequirements.Airand Ventilation section in rNO mplallo w sufficient air. l
=NO, Is there a furnace/air handler in the same room as the water heater? I
Does the return air duct for the furnace/
air handler draw its airfrom a separate IContact a local Heating, I
iNO . ' . .
location than the water heater? See Facts • IVentilation Air-Conditioningl
to ConsiderAbout the Location section and _1 & Refngeratlon authorized I
the Combustion Air section. |service provider. I
Check the vent system for
IIsthere proper draftingat the / Irestrictions/obstructions and check
draff hood? See Draft Hood _NO mml_the vent termination height. Refer to
IOperation section inthis manual. | tithe Installation Instructions section of
YES |this manual for specific requirements.
Remove the burner door
assembly. Isthe flame arrestor
and burner free from debris due to
|excessive lint, dirt, dust or oil?
. iRefer to the Service and Adjustment I
=NO m_!,|section of this manual for information onI
--|cleaning the flame arrestor and burner. I
iDoes the flame arrestor show signs of discoloration. _NO
i 1 Replace the gas control
Shut-off the gas supply to the water heater at the va ve/thermostat.*
manual gas shut-off valve, then contact Sears
Service at: ®
1-800-4-MY-HOME (1-800-469-4663).