Installation Instructions (cont'd)
Temperature.Pressure Relief Valve
At the time of manufacture this water heater was providedi
with a combinationtemperature-pressuresrelief valvecertlf_ed
by a nationally recognized testinglaboratory that maintains
periodic inspectionofproduction of listedequipment or mate-
rials, as meeting the requirements for Relief Valves and
Automatic GasShutoffDevicesfor Hot Water SupplySystems,
and the latest edition of ANSI Z21.22 and the code require.
ments of ASME, If replaced, the valvemustmeet the require-
mentsoflocalcodes,but not lessthana combinationtempera-
ture and pressurerelief valvecertifiedasmeeting the require-
ments for ReliefValvesandAutomatic GasShutoff Devicesfor
Hot Water Supply Systems,ANSI 7.21.22byanationally recog-
nized testinglaboratory that maintains periodicinspectionof
productionoflistedequipmentor materials.
The valvemustbe marked with a maximum set pressurenot
to exceed the marked hydrostatic working pressure of the
water heater (150 Ibsdsq.in.) anda dischargecapacitynot less
!than the water heeter inputrate asshownonthe modelrating
plate. (Electric heaters - watts divided by 1000 x 3415 equal
BTU/Hr. rate.)
Yourlocaljurisdictionalauthority,while mandatingthe useof a
temperature-pressurerelief valvecomplyingwith ANSI Z21.22
and ASME, may require a valve model differentfrom the one
furnishedwith the water heater.
Compliancewith suchlocal requirements must be satisfiedby
the installeror enduserof the water heater with a locallypre-
scribedtemperature-pressurereliefvalveinstaJledinthe desig-
nated openingin the water heater in placeof the factoryfur-
Forsafeoperationofthe water heater,the relief valvemust not
beremoved from it'sdesignatedopeningor plugged.
The temperature-pressurereliefvalvemustbe installeddirectly
intothe fittingofthe water heater designatedforthe relief valve.
Positionthe valvedownwardandprovidetubingsothat anydis-
chargewill exit onlywithin 6 inchesabove, or at anydistance
belowthe structuralfloor. Be certainthat no contact ismade
with anyliveelectricalpart.The disthargeopeningmust notbe
blockedor reduced in sizeunderany circumstances.Excessive
length,over 30fe_, or useof morethan four elbewscan cause
restriction andreducethe dischargecapacityofthe valve. I
No valveor other obstructionisto be placedbetweenthe relief
valveand the tank. Do not connecttubing directlyto discharge
drainunlessa 6"air gapisprovided.Topreventbodilyinjury,haz-
ardto life,or propertydamage,the relief valvemust beallowed
to dischargewater inquantitiesshouldcircumstancesdemand.If
the dischargepipe isnot connectedto a drainor other suitable
means,the waterflowmaycausepropertydamage.
The DischargePipe:
• Must not be smaller insize than the outlet pipe sizeof the
valve,or haveanyreducing couplingsor other restrictions.
Mustnot bepluggedor blocked.
Mustbeofmaterial listedfor hotwater distribution.
Mustbe installedso asto allow complete drainageof both
the temperature-pressure relief valve, and the discharge
Mustterminate at anadequatedrain.
Mustnot haveanyvalvebetween the relief vaJveandtank_
The temperature-pressure relief valve must be manually
operated at least once a year. Caution shouldbe taken to
ensurethat (I) no one isin front of or around the outlet of
the temperature-pressure relief valvedischargeline, and (2)
the water manually discharged will not cause any bodily
injury or property damage because the water may be
extremely hot.
If after manua/Iy operating the valve, it failsto completely
reset and continuesto release water, immediately closethe
cold water inlet to the water heater, follow the draining
instructions, and replace the temperature-pressure relief
valvewith a newone.
(Do not cap or plug)
At thetime ofmaflufacture,thiswater heaterwasprovidedwith a combination tem-
perature-pressure_-.IJef valvelisted ascomping withtee standardforrelid va_es_d
automaticgasshut-offdevicesfor hot water supp_sys_ms,ANSt Z2t.22. Forsafe
operadonof the waterheater,the reliefvaFvemustnot beremovedfromitsdesignated
Yourlocal urisdictionafauthori_ whilemandatingthe useofa temperature-pressure
relief valvecomplyingwithANSI7.21.22andASNF.n_y r_uire avave mode dfferent
fromthe onefurnishedwiththe waterheart
Comffliancew_h suchlocal_-_uirernen_ rn_st besatisEedbythe installeror enduser
of the waterheaterwitha locallyprescribedtemperature-pressurere{iefv_Neinstalled
in the designatedopeninginthewaterheate_
Seemanualheading-_Temperature-PressureReli_ Valves"for installationandmainte-
nanceof relief valve,dischari_eline,andother safetyprecautions.