Installation Instructions (cont'd)
Facts to Consider About the
You should carefully choose an indoor location for the new water
heater, because the placement is a very important consideration
for the safety of the occupants in the building and for the most
economical use of the appliance. This water heater is not for
use in mobile homes or outdoor installation.
Whether replacing an old water heater or putting the water
heater in a new location, the following critical points must be
1. The location selected should be indoors as close as practical
to the vent termination point, and as centralized with the
water piping system as possible. The water heater, as all water
heaters, will eventually leak. Do not install without adequate
drainage provisions where water flow will cause damage.
2. ALL MODELS - If vented through an outside wall or
through the roof, the 3" vent piping cannot exceed a total of
115 feet (50 feet if optional 2" vent piping is used), including
vertical and horizontal runs with one 90° elbow. If more
elbows are required, the venting distance must be reduced 5
feet for every 90° elbow. See pages 19, 20 and 23 for vent
3. Vent piping cannot slope downward and horizontal runs
require a minimum V_"rise per five feet. All horizontal runs
require adequate support at 3½ foot intervals and vertical
runs supported at 5 foot intervals.
4. The water heater requires its own (separate) venting system.
It cannot be connected to an existing vent pipe or chimney.
It must terminate to the outdoors. Whenever possible termi-
nate the vent on the leaward side of the building if vented
through an outside wall. NOTE: Condensation may be cre-
ated, at times, as the combustion gases exit the vent cap
and discoloration of surfaces in proximity to the vent cap
may occur.
The power vent water heater requires its own (separate) vent-
ingsystem. It cannot be connected to an existing vent pipe or
chimney. It must be terminated to the outdoors. Failure to
properly install the venting system can result in asphyxiation,
a fire or explosion and can cause DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY
5. The water heater comes equipped with a 7 foot power cord
which can be used to connect to a 110/120 volt power
source if (1) local codes allow, and (2) there is a three prong
receptacle available.
water heater must be accomplished in such a manner that if
the tank or any connections should leak, the flow of water will
not cause damage to the structure. For this reason, it is not
advisable to install the water heater in an attic or upper floor.
When such locations cannot be avoided, a suitable drain pan
should be installed under the water heater. Such a drain pan
must be not greater than 1'/2inches deep, have a minimum
length and width of at least 2 inches greater than the water
heater dimensions and must be piped to an adequate drain.
The pan must not restrict combustion air flow.
6. The location selection must provide adequate clearances for
servicing and proper operation of the water heater.
Flammable liquids(such asgasoline, solvents,propane (LP) or
butane, etc.), all of which emit flammable vapors, may be
improperly stored or usedin suchareas. The gaswater heater
ignitor or main burner can ignite such vapors. The resulting
flashback and fire can causedeath or seriousburns to anyone
in the area, as well as property damage.
If installation in suchareas is your only option, then the instal-
lation must be accomplished in away that the ignitor and main
burner flame are elevated from the floor at least 18 inches.
While this may reduce the chancesof flammable vapors from
a floor spill being ignited, gasoline and other flammable sub-
stances should never be stored or used in the same room or
area containing a gas water heater or other open flame or
spark producing appliance.
Also, the water heater must be located andlor protected so it
isnot subject to physicaldamage bya moving vehicle.
NOTE: Flammable vapors may be drawn by air currents from
other areas of the structure to the appliance.
Propellants of aerosol sprays and volatile compounds,
(cleaners, chlorine based chemicals, refrigerants, etc.) in
addition to being highly flammable in many cases, will also
change to corrosive hydrochloric acid when exposed to the
combustion products of the water heater. The results can
be hazardous, and also cause product failure.
Do not use an extension cord. If there is not a suitable recep-
tacle and/or local codes prohibit use of a power cord, field
w r ng must be prov ded.