For one year from the date of purchase, when your Sears Kenmore water heater is installed and operated in a single-family
residence in accordance with the instructions in this manual, Sears will:
1.Repair defects in material or workmanship in this water heater, free ofcharge.
2. Furnish and install a new current model water heater of equal capacity and quality, free of charge, ifa leak occurs in the tank.
After one year and through 6 years from date of purchase for water heaters used in a single-family residence, if a leak occurs in the
tank, Sears will furnish a new current model water heater of equal capacity and quality. You will be charged for any installation.
Ifthe water heater is subject to commercial, institutional, industrial or use in residences of two families or more, the above warranty
coverage for tanks that leak is effective for 2 years from the date of purchase.
To obtain warranty service, SIMPLY CALL 1-800-4-MY-HOME ®(1-800-469-4663). This warranty applies only while this product is in
use inthe United States.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Sears. Roebuck and Co., Dept. 817 WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
The price of your water heater does not include a free checkup service call. On water heater installations arranged by Sears, Sears
warrants the installation.
A charge will be made on service calls due to poor or incomplete installation. These include:
a. Adjusting thermostat c. Leaks in pipes or fittings e. Condensation
b. Lighting pilot d. Improper venting
• Fast help by phone- phone support from a Sears technician on
products requiring in-home repair, plusconvenient repair scheduling.
• Power surge protection against electrical damage due to power
• Rental reimbursement if repair of your covered product takes
longerthan promised.
Once you purchase the Agreement, a simple phone call is all that it takes
for you to schedule service. You can call anytime day or night, or
schedule a service appointment on-line.
Sears has over 12,000 professional repairspecialists, who have access
to over 4.5 million quality parts and accessories. That's the kind of
professionalism you can count on to help prolong the life of your new
purchaseforyearsto come. Purchaseyour Master ProtectionAgreement
Some limitations and exclusions apply. For prices and additional
information call t-800-827-6655.
Congratulations on making a smart purchase. Your new Kenmore ®
product is designed and manufactured for years of dependable operation.
But likeall products, itmay require preventive maintenance or repeir from
time to time. That's when having a Master Protection Agreement can
save you money and aggravation.
Purchase a Master Protection Agreement now and protect yourself from
unexpected hassle and expense.
The Master Protection Agreement also helps extend the life of your new
product. Here's what's included in the Agreement:
• Expert Service by our 12,000 professional repair specialist.
• Unlimited service and no charge for parts and labor on all covered
• "No-lemon" guarantee - replacement of your covered product if
four or more product failures occur within twelve months.
• Product replacement if your covered product can't be fixed.
For Sears professional Installation of home appliances, garage door
• Annual Preventive Maintenance Check at your request - no openers, water heaters, and other major home items, in the U.S.A., call
extra charge. 1-80O-4-MY-HOME ®.
For in-home major brand repair service
Carl 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (U,S.A, and Canada)
The model number of your water heater is found on the model rating plate on the front of the water heater.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A