Troubleshooting Guide (cont'd)
Start Up Conditions (cont'd)
Whenever the water heater is filled with cold water, a certain
amount of condensation will form while the burner is on. A
water heater may appear to be leakingwben in fact the water is
condensation. This usuallyhappens when:
• When a new water heater is fdled with cold water for the
• When gas burns and water vapor isproduced in water
heaters, particularly high efficiencymodels where flue tem-
peratures arelower.
• When you use large amountsof hot water in a short time
and the refill water is verycold.
Moisture from the products of combustion condense on the
cooler tank surfaces and form drops of water which may fall
onto the burner or other hot surfacesto produce a %izzling"or
"fryi_" noise.
Excessive condensation can cause pilot outage due to water run-
ning down the flue tube onto the main burner and putting out
the pilot.
Becauseof the suddenness and amount of water, condensation
water may be diagnosedas a _tank leak". After the water in the
tank warms up (about 1-2 hours), the condition should
Do not assume the water heater is Leaking until there has been
enough time for the water in the tank to warm up.
An undersized water heater will cause more condensation. The
water heater must be sized properly to meet the family's
demandsfor hot water includingdishwashers,washingmachines
and showerheads.
Excessivecondensation may be noticed during the winter and
early spring months when incoming water temperatures are at
their lowest.
It is not uncommon to experiencea small amount of smoke and
odorduringthe initial start-up. This is due to burningoffof oil
from metal parts, and will disappear in a short while.
Operational Conditions
In each glasslined water heater there is installed at least one
anode rod (see parts section) for corrosion protection of the
tank. Certain water conditions willcause a reactionbetween this
rod and the w_ter.The most common complaint associatedwith.
the anode rod isone of a "rotten eggsmell'. This odor isderived
from hydrogen sulfide gas dissolved in the water. The smell is
the resultof four factors which'must all be present for the odor
to develop:
a. a concenttation of sulfate in the supply water.
b. little or no dissolvedoxygen in the water.
c. a sulfate reducing bacteria within the water heater. (This
harmlessbacteria isnon-toxic to humans.)
d. an excessof active hydrogen in the tank. This is caused by
the corrosion protective actionofthe anode.
Smellywater may be eliminated orreduced in some water heater
models by replacingthe anode(s) with oneof lessactive material,
and then chlorinating the water heater tank and all ,hot water
lines. Contact Sears Servicefor further information concerning
an Anode ReplacementKit #9001453 and this Chlorination
Iftbe smelly water pezsists after the anode replacement and chlo-
rination treatment, we can only suggest that continuous chlori-
nation and filtering conditioning equipment be considered to
eliminate the waterproblem.
Good venting is essential for a gas fired water heater to operate
properly as well as to carry away productsof combustion and
water vapor.
Do not remove the anode leaving the tank turl_rotected. By
doing so, all warrantyon the water heater tank Is voided,
HOTTER WATER CAN SCALD:.Water heatersare intendedto
Im._,.,..,uce hot water. Water heated to a tomperatore whichwill,
satisfyclotheswashing,dishwashing,and other sanitizingneeds
canscaldand permanentlyinjureyou uponcontact.Somepeo-
ple are more likelyto be permanentiyinjuredbyhot water than
obhergTheseindudethe elderly,children,theinfirm, orphysical-
ly/meotaEyhandicapped.If anyoneusinghot water inyourhome
fitsintoone ofthesegroupsor If there isa Io¢.alcndeor statelaw
_ring a certeintomperaUa'e water at tbe hot watortap,then
smmustlake specialpmcautiens.In addition to usingthe lowest
KWZi/de_,_at_e setting that satisfies _r bet wzt_- nee_
Lrn_u_ such _ a mfaing valve, should be used at the hot water
taps usedby thesepeopleor at the water heater.Mixingvalves
are availableat plumbingsupplyor hardwarestores,Followman-
ufacturers instructions for installation of the valves. Before
changing the factory setting on the thermostat, read the
"Temperature Regulation"set'deninthismanual,
HYDROGENGAS:Hydrogengascanbe producedin a hot
watersymmlthathasnot beenusedfora longperiodoftime
(generallytwoweeksor more).Hydrogengasisextremely
flammableand explosive.Top_vant the possibilityof injury
be openedfor severalminutesat the kitchenrinkbeforeany
elecUkala_lian_s whichareconnectedto thehatwatersys-
tom are used(suchasa dishwasheror washingmachine).If
hydrogengasis present, there willprobablybe an unusual
soundsimilarto airescapingthroughthe pipe_ thehotwater
faucet is opened. Theremust be no smokingor open flame
nearthefaucetat the timeit isopen.