StageThree- ForeverFilterTM - Collector: Charged par-
ticles are collected, like a powerful magnet, on a series of
alternately charged collection plates.
Stage Four - Negative Ion Generator: Emits negative ions
into the air that freshens stale air. In addition, it also
charges existing airborne particles so they can be collected
by the Forever Filter".
NOTE: Since the collected dirt is distributed across several
metal plates inside the Forever Filter", it may take awhile
to notice the accumulated dirt with the naked eye.
Your air cleaner should be placed where air can freely
move in, out and around it.
Do not place the unit
(t) Directly on or against any soft furnish!ngs such
as bedding or curtains.
(2) Near computers, radios, TVs or other electronically
sensitive devices
(3) Near sources of heat (such as stove tops, or ovens)
Please keep in mind that the air movement Created by
the air cleaner will draw any airborne particles towards
it. Depending on the specific types and weight of
airborne particles present in your environment, some
particles may fall onto other surfaces in the general
vicinity of the air cleaner before reaching the air