Broiling is cooking food by direct heat from above the
food. Your range has a convenient drawer below the oven
for broiling_ It also has a specialty designed broiler pan
and grid that allows the dripping fat to drain away from
the high heat of the gas flame,
It is recommended that meat be cooked to at least an
INTERNAL temperature of 160°F (71°C) and poultry
to at least an INTERNAL temperature of 180°F (82°C)
Cooking to these temperatures usually protects against
foodborne illness.
Distance from the heat source may be changed by
positioning the broiler pan and grid on one of the three
shelf positions in the broiler drawer--A (bottom of broiler
drawer), B (middle) and C (top)_
Most fish and tender cuts of meat can be broiled.,
Foltow these directions to keep spattering and smoking
to a minimum,
The oven door and broiler drawer door must be
closed during broiling.
Turn most foods once during cooking (the exception is
thin fillets of fish; oil one side, place that side down on the
broiler grid and cook without turning until done). Time the
food for about one-half the total cooking time, turn the
food, then continue to cook to the preferred doneness
How to Broil
1. The broiler drawer does not need to be preheated
for broiling.
2, If the meat has fat or gristle around the edge, cut
vertical stashes through both about 2" (5 cm) apart,
but do not cut into meat.. If desired the fat may be
trimmed, leaving a layer about t/8" (3 mm) thick.
3. Arrange the food on the grid and position the broiler
pan on the appropriate shelf in the broiler drawer..
Placing the food closer to flame sears the exterior
and increases the surface browning of food, but also
increases spattering and the possibility of fats and
meat juices igniting..
4. Close the broiler drawer and turn the OVEN TEMP
knob to BROIL.
5. When broiling is finished, turn the OVEN TEMP knob
to OFR Remove the broiler pan from the broiler drawer
and serve the food immediately Do not leave a soiled
broiler pan and grid inside the range.
Use of Aluminum Foil
You can use aluminum foil
to line your broiler pan and
broiler grid, However, you
must mold the foil tightly to
the grid and cut slits in it
just like the grid,
Without the slits, the foil
will prevent fat and meat
Cut slits in the foil just like the grid
juices from draining to the broiler pan, The juices could
become hot enough to catch on fire. If you do not cut the
slits, you are frying, not broiling.
Never cover the oven bottom with aluminum foil.
Never entirely cover a
shelf with aluminum foil.
This will disturb the heat
circulation and result in
poor baking.. Aluminum foil
may also be used to catch
a spitlover. To do so, place
a small sheet of foil on a
lower shelf several inches
below the food..
(continued next page)