Function of KDC-W4737U/KDC-W4737UY
Function of iPod
File select
Selecting the music you want to listen to from the
1 Enter File Select mode
Press the [F.SEL] button.
Select the "F-SEL" display.
2 Search for a music
Select the category item using the Control
Operation type Operation
Movement between
Push the Control knob towards right or left.
Selection of item Press the Control knob.
Return to previous item Push the Control knob for at least 1 second.
Return to first item Press the [3] button.
Names of all the music are displayed in "SONGS" in
the audio file.
Selecting a music will play it from the beginning.
Canceling File Select
Press the [F.SEL] button.
Function of non-iPod
File Select 1 mode
Select the target folder by tracing the hierarchical
levels of folders. This is convenient when managing
audio files by folder.
1 Enter Folder Select 1 mode
Press the [F.SEL] button.
Select the "F-SEL1" display.
Folder name display
Displays the current folder name.
2 Select the folder
Operation type Operation
Movement between folders Push the Control knob towards right or left.
Selection of folder Push the Control knob towards up.
Return to previous folder Push the Control knob towards down.
Return to root folder Press the [3] button.
Select the folder containing the music you want to
listen to.
3 Determine the folder
Press the Control knob.
The music in the determined folder are displayed.
4 Select the music you want to listen to
Operation type Operation
Movement between music Push the Control knob towards right or left.
Return to folder selection
Press the Control knob for at least 1 second.
Return to root folder Press the [3] button.
5 Play the selected music
Press the Control knob.
Scrolling the file/folder name display
Push the Control knob toward up for at least 2
Canceling File Select 1
Press the [F.SEL] button twice.