CD/MP3/External disc control features
Function of the KDC-X659/KDC-MP879
Quickly selecting the folder you want to listen to.
Enter Album Select mode
Press the [F.SELI button.
“Select Mode” is displayed.
During Select mode the folder information is dlsplayed as shown
Folder name display
LO”0 _-_
Folder number display
2 Select the folder level
Press the [FM] or [AM] button.
With the [FM] button you move 1 level down and with the [AMI
button 1 level up.
Selecting a folder in the same level
Press the [WI or [HII button.
With the I-1 button you move to the previous folder, and with
the [ill button to the next folder.
Returning to the top level
Press the [#31 button.
3 Decide the folder to play
Press the [HI] button.
‘*The Album Select mode releases, and the MP3 in the folder
being displayed is played.
The methods for moving to other folders in the album select mode
are different from those in the album search mode.
See <Notes on playing MP3> (page 6) for details.
Canceling the Album Select mode
Press the [F.SELl button.
Scrolling the displayed CD text, MP3 text, or MD title.
Press the [DISPI button for at least 1 second.
Selecting the CD displayed in the DNPS of the CDs set in the
Disc changer.
Enter DNPP mode
Press the [DNPPI button on the remote.
When “DNPP” is displayed the DNPS display in order.
Forward / Reverse display
Press the [DISC-l or [DISC+1 button.
2 When the disc you want is displayed
Press the [OK] button on the remote.
The disc being displayed is played.
Canceling the DNPP mode
Press the [DNPPI button on the remote.
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