KDC-X994/ KDC-BT945U/ KDC-X794/ KDC-MP745U
• Contientunmoduleémetteur
• Contientunmoduleémetteur
Avertissement IC (Industrie Canada)
Fonctionnement soumis aux deux conditions
nuisibles, et
(2) Cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence reçue,
y compris les interférences pouvant entraîner un
fonctionnement indésirable.
Le sigle “IC: ” précédant le numéro de certification/
enregistrement signifie seulement que les
spécifications techniques d'Industrie Canada ont été
• HDRadio™TechnologyManufacturedUnderLicense
From iBiquity Digital Corp. U.S. and Foreign Patents. HD
Radio™ and the HD Radio Ready logos are proprietary
trademarks of iBiquity Digital Corp.
• The“AAC”logoisatrademarkofDolbyLaboratories.
• TheBluetoothwordmarkandlogosareownedby
the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks
by Kenwood Corporation is under license. Other
trademarks and trade names are those of their
respective owners.
• iTunesisatrademarkofAppleInc.
• iPodisatrademarkofAppleInc.,registeredintheU.S.
and other countries.
• iPhoneisatrademarkofAppleInc.
• “MadeforiPod”meansthatanelectronicaccessory
has been designed to connect specifically to iPod and
has been certified by the developer to meet Apple
performance standards.
• “WorkswithiPhone”meansthatanelectronic
accessory has been designed to connect specifically
to iPhone and has been certified by the developer to
meet Apple performance standards.
• Appleisnotresponsiblefortheoperationofthis
device or its compliance with safety and regulatory