APRS – 11
Q Output Type
Access Menu 332.
Waypoint: Waypoint/ DGPS information is forwarded.
The call sign and positioning data received from
another station can be displayed as the waypoint data
through the device connected to your GPS receiver or
on the GPS receiver display.
Note: When Menu No. 331 is set to “Off” or Weather Station Unit is
selected, the Way Point data is not output.
Q Way Point Format
Access Menu 340.
Select the type of Way point Format that is sent.
NMEA: The data which is output from the GPS
terminal using the NMEA-0183 "$GPWPL" format.
MAGELLAN: The data which is output from the
GPS terminal using the " $PMGNWPL" format.
KENWOOD: The data which is output from the GPS
terminal using the " $PKWDWPL" format.
Q Way Point Length
Access Menu 341.
Select the length of the Way Point Name. The length
can be set as “6-Char”, “7-Char”, “8-Char”, or “9-Char”.
Q Way Point Output
Access Menu 342.
All: All Way point information is sent.
Local: If the position limit is ON, all the data within
the position limit is sent. If the position limit is OFF, all
Way point data is sent.
Filtered: Information that is permitted using the
packet filter is output as Way point information.
Q Output
Access Menu 350.
This function outputs data from the PC (USB) port
<Baud rate: 9600 bps> after receiving packet and TNC
command data from the APRS data communications.
Use this function to verify the received data from the
Q Select Position channel
Access Menu 360.
This transceiver has 5 memory channels for storing
position data. Program latitude and longitude data
for up to 5 locations from which you will often transmit
APRS packets. You can also name the 5 memory
Q Name Entry
Access Menu 361.
You can enter alphanumeric characters plus special
ASCII characters (up to 8 digits).
Q Latitude Entry
Access Menu 362.
<Menu 3W0: “dd°mm.mm’ ”>
<Menu 3W0: “dd°mm’ss.s” ”>
The north/ south latitude is entered.