Installing Batteries
Batteries were not installed at the factory and must be
installed for the unit to operate! Install the three (3)
AA batteries in the back of the Smoke/CO Alarm.
• The mounting plate must be removed from the
back of the alarm to install batteries. To detach, twist
the mounting plate and the alarm in opposite
d i re c t i o n s .
• The battery polarity markings on the bottom of the
battery compartment must be adhered to.
• Batteries must be installed in the sequence shown.
If batteries seem difficult to install, they’re not being
installed in the proper sequence.
• Smoke/CO Alarm will not engage to bracket unless
all three batteries are installed. Removal of any or
all batteries will render the Smoke/CO Alarm
• After the batteries are correctly installed the unit
will beep once and the red LED light will flash.
After 20-30 seconds the green LED light will flash
indicating the unit is now operational.
Carbon Monoxide (CO) Alarm
The carbon monoxide (CO) alarm constantly monitors the air
for the presence of CO. It will alarm when there are high
levels of CO present, and when there are low levels of CO
p r esent over a longer period of time (see Page 20 for alarm
times). When a CO condition matches either of these
situations, the alarm/voice message warning system will
sound, accompanied by the flashing red LED light.
The carbon monoxide sensor uses an electro ch e m i c a l
t e c h n o l o g y.
C AU T I O N : This alarm will only indicate the presence
of carbon monoxide gas at the sensor. Carbon monoxide
gas may be present in other are a s .
This device is designed to protect individuals from the
acute effects of carbon monoxide exposure. It will not
fully safeguard individuals with specific medical
conditions. If in doubt consult a medical practitioner.
Installation of the device should not be used as a substitute fo r
p r oper installation,u s e , and maintenance of fuel-burn i n g
a p p l i a n c e s , i n c luding appro p riate ventilation and ex h a u s t
s y s t e m s .
Individuals with medical problems may consider using
w a r ning devices which provide audible and visual
signals for carbon monoxide concentrations under
30 ppm.
Never ignore the sound of an alarm!
Determining what type of alarm has sounded is easy
with the Combination Smoke/CO Alarm.
The voice message warning system will inform you of
the type of hazard occurring.
F e a t u r e s
I n s t a l l a t i o n
Batteries Must Be Installed in Order Shown Below: