1016 Corporate Park Drive, Mebane NC 27302
Architectural and Engineering
The smoke alarm shall be Kidde model KN-SMFM-i or approved equal. It
tery backup. The unit shall incorporate an ionization sensor with nominal sen-
sitivity of .50 to .98%ft. The temperature operation range shall be between
40˚F and 100˚F (4.4˚C and 37.8˚C) and the humidity operating range shall be
up to 85% relative humidity.
The smoke alarm can be installed in standard junction boxes listed
below. The electrical connection (to the alarm) shall be made with a plug-in
connector. A maximum of 24 Kidde devices can be interconnected in a mul-
tiple station arrangement. The interconnect system must not exceed the NFPA
(National Fire Protection Association) limit of 18 initiation devices, of which
interconnected, it is still possible to interconnect 6 strobe lights and or
relay modules.
The alarm shall include a test button that will electronically simulate
the presence of smoke and cause the unit to go into alarm. This sequence
The unit shall include a piezoelectric horn that is rated at 85 decibels
at 10 feet. SinglebuttonoperatesbothSmartHush™andalarmtestforeasyopera-
tion and less confusion. The unit shall also include a low battery warning utiliz-
ing a brief alarm chirp every 60 seconds for a minimum of seven (7) days.
The unit shall incorporate red and green LED indicators. The green LED
indicates the status of the alarm. The red LED is a visual indicator of alarm
and warning chirps.
Standby Condition: The green LED will be lit if on AC power or blink
once every 30 seconds if on battery backup. Alarm Condition: When the
alarm senses products of combustion and enters alarm the red LED will
blink in unison with the sounder and the green LED will flash once every
2 seconds. The flashing LEDs and pulsating alarm will continue until the air
is cleared. When the units are interconnected, only the green LED of the
alarm(s) sensing smoke or is being tested (the originating unit) will flash.
All other units in the interconneced system will sound an alarm and flash the
red LED but the green LED will remain at is standby state. Alarm Memory:
This smoke alarm is equipped with an alarm memory, which provides a visual
indication when an alarm has been activated. The green LED will flash every
16 seconds to indicate the memory condition. Smart Hush
Mode: The
green LED will flash every 3 seconds but the alarm will not make any sound,
The unit shall at a minimum meet the requirements of UL217, NFPA72,
Innovative low profile alarm fits in most common electrical 2-gang and
plastic, round boxes with 3 1/2” hole spacing. Depth of box must exceed
2 1/8”. Unit will displace 7.5 cubic inches.
Width of screw posts
must not exceed .45”
120V AC/DC Wire-in Low Profile Smoke Alarm
Sealed Rechargeable Battery Backup
Part Number 21007288
Model KN-SMFM-i
Installation of Smoke Alarm
The smoke alarm must be installed to comply with all local codes having jurisdiction
the US National Electrical Code, ANSI / NFPA 70 and NFPA 72. The multiple station
interconnect wiring must be in the same raceway as the AC power wiring. In addi-
tion the resistance if the interconnect wiring shall be a maximum of 10 ohms.
Make certain all alarms are wired to a single, continuous (non-switched) power
line, which is not protected by a ground fault interrupter. A maximum of 1000 ft.
of wire can be used in the interconnect system. Use standard UL listed household
wire as required by code.
Ordering Information
Install Options
Distributed by:
Technical Specifications
Model: KN-SMFM-i
UPC: 0-47871-07288-0
Power Source:
Sensor: Ionization
AudioAlarm: 85dBat10ft
Temperature Range: 40˚F (4.4˚C) to 100˚F (37.8˚C)
HumidityRange: upto85%relativehumidity(RH)
5.25” width x 1.5” depth x (.5”installed)
Weight: .5lb
Interconnects: Up to 24 Kidde devices/18 initiating
Wiring: Quick-connect plug with 6” pigtails
LED: Red, visual alarm indicator
Green, current state indicator
Warranty: 10 year limited
*Not for sale by individual unit
Ordering Dimensions Case/ Layers/ Skid
Number UPC I2F5 Pack Quantity (w x d x h inches) Weight Skid Skid Weight
21007288 0-47871-07288-0 100-47871-07288-7 Cut Case (4 units) 6.5 x 13.25 x 6 3 lbs 75 4 230 lbs
P/N: KL-SIL-SM sheet rev. 01-2009
Square Box Octagon Box Round Box 2 Gang Box