Mistakes of use
- Drive speed;
- incorrect spreading width;
- The spreading disc is not in a horizontal position compared to the land;
- Drive speed is different to those suggested by the spreading tables, or speed is not suitable
for that particular type of material;
- Drive mistakes, (lack of overlap of the spreading surfaces);
- Lack of cleaning of distributing vanes and disc.
Mistakes due to fertilizer
- Fertilizer of poor quality.
- Wet or excessively humid fertilizer;
- Incorrect fertilizer composition or it doesn’t correspond to what is declared from the vendor.
- Presence of excessive lumps in fertilizer or with dimensions to large to go through exit.
- Foriegn body in the fertilizer.
Mistakes due to the spreader
- Spreading exits clogged;
- Parts of the spreading disc worn or damaged.
The ordinary maintenance criteria we suggest are based on the company experience and on
the advice and suggestions from customers. A good maintenance schedule keeps the operat-
ing costs of the spreader low and allows for a long spreader life.
ATTENTION! Whichever work of maintenance, regula-
tion and cleaning must be carried out on the spreader on
the ground ( in stable conditions), engine turned off, brake
on, ignition key off and removed.
In case of damage, the operator must stop the machine immediately, assess the problem and
proceed only after problems are repaired. If pressured water or compressed air is used for the
cleaning of the machine, it is necessary to protect yourself with proper glasses and/or protec-
tion masks and to remove people and/or animals from near machine. Do not use flammable
ATTENTION! For maintenance operations, always use the
proper Individual Protection Devices(safety shoes and
gloves) and to take all the accident protection steps for the
type of operation to be performed.
Every 8 hours of operation, check the tightness of all nuts and bolts.
In case of unusual vibrations, check the wear of the vanes and spreading disc, the tightness of
all nuts and bolts and lubrication of gearbox. The excessive vibration of the spreader, besides
being annoying is dangerous and damaging for the entire structure, subjecting the mechanical
parts to more and more stress. It may be necessary to seek the help of specialized personnel
regarding some broke parts replacement that are not shown in this manual.