© 2003 KMDSI Document # 041112001
Section 3.0
KMACS 5 Maintenance
The KMACS 5 requires very little user maintenance.
With proper care, the KMACS 5 should last for years
and give excellent service.
On a daily basis, the KMACS 5 operator should in-
spect the high pressure whips attached to the yokes
(S) for signs of wear.
After each use the case, interior panels and high
pressure hoses should be wiped down with a rag
which has a small amount of Armor-All. Never spray
cleaners directly on the KMACS 5.
Approximately every six months, the high pressure
hoses should be treated with Armor-AIl or similar
Once a year, the KMACS 5 should be returned to
your authorized dealer, or KMDSI , to service the
regulator, selector valve, and calibrate the diver’s
depth gauges. This is especially important if the
unit is used for deep, decompression, or repetitive
The battery used with the KMACS 5 communicator
is very reliable and will offer many years of service.
However, storing the KMACS 5 with the battery
drained can cause the battery to fail. The battery
should be completely charged before storage. Gel
cell batteries have an excellent shelf life if properly
charged prior to storage.
To replace the battery, remove the screws which
hold the communicator panel (V) into the top of the
KMACS 5 box. Do not remove the screws which
secure the communicator to the larger panel. Tilt
the panel out but do not remove it from the lid. The
battery is held in place by brackets and “Velcro”
strips on the back of the large panel. Reach behind
the panel and support the battery. Lift the panel and
battery out as a unit.
Replace the old battery with a new unit. Position
the new battery on the back of the large panel using
the “Velcro” strips to hold it in place. Connect the
leads back to the battery and push the communica-
tor panel (V) back into its normal position. Install
the screws which hold the large panel in place and
tighten them in a staggered pattern.
Fig 12 After each use the case, interior panels and high
pressure hoses should be wiped down with a rag which has
a small amount of Armor-All. Never spray cleaners directly
on the KMACS 5.