Custom door panels, handle
inserts and top grille panels
Door and top grille panels:
Dimensions shown are with routed
edges. Routing is required if panels
are more than l/4” thick.
Freezer door panels
Maximum weight
of custom panels
Is 30 pounds.
Refrigerator door panel
,- 19-l/4”--
Panel routing for door
and lop grille panels.
5/l 6”mln.
If custom door panels
greater than 114” thick
are used, it may be
necessary to route the
handle slde of panel
a minimum of 3-l/4 Inches
in from the panel edge
to provide a 2” minimum
access to the door handle.
Either- the full length
of the panel or a
selected area(s) can
be routed. Check with
your builder.
Maximum weight
of custom panel
is 50 pounds.
Top grille panels.
Panel for
L grille
! ’
8-112” top
The weight of decorative panels
MUST NOT exceed the weights
specified for each panel. Panels
weighing more than the speci-
fied weights may cause product
+ 114” max.
Panel for
7.112 top
grilld’ -1 1:
Maximum weight of cuslom panel is 10 pounds.
All dimensions +/- l/16” tolerance
Note: If a routed panel is used, add l/16” to
all dimensions shown.
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