Now start...
Remove top grille assembly
~ package, literature package
and parts bag taped to the
refrigerator door and save.
Product Damage
Do Not lower refrigerator
against shipping base when
removing the shlpplng base.
Lowering the refrigerator
against the shipping base could
damage the components on the
bottom of the refrlgerator.
Floor Damage
Keep cardboard shipping piece
or plywood under refrigerator
until it is installed in operating
Failure to do so may cause
damage to floor covering.
Remove the four brackets
(2 on each side) that attach
shipping base
to the bottom of the refrigerator.
Discard brackets and shipping
base. Do Not remove tape and door
bracing at this time.
Place appliance dolly under
the side of the refrigerator.
Wrap strap from truck
loosely around refrigerator. Insert
two corner posts around handles to
prevent scratching. Insert two corner
posts over the cabinet side trim to
prevent damage.Tighten strap
making sure that handles and
cabinet side trim will be protected.
Personal Injury Hazard
Because of the weight and
size of the built-in
refrigerator, two or more
people are needed to move
and safely install it.
Most of the refrigerator’s
weight is at the top. Extra
care is needed when
moving the refrigerator to
prevent tipping.
Failure to do so could
result in personal injury.
to steps
Move refrigerator to
. kitchen. Place cardboard
or plywood under
reffigerator. Remove appliance
dolly. Open doors and remove all
boxes, parts packages and packing
materfals from inside refrigerator
and freezer compartments. Set
aside until needed during
Do Not remove any protective
film until refrigerator is
completely installed.
Page 8