
Kobo Vox User Guide 19
To start the Kobo app from the Home Screen, tap one of the following icons:
Read Now: Opens the book that youʼre currently reading.
Library: Opens your library.
Shop Kobo: Opens the Kobo bookstore.
Reading Life: Opens the Reading Life page. The Reading Life page is an area where you
can explore your reading statistics, how much youʼre reading, and more.
To start the Kobo app within the All Apps window:
1. Go to the Home Screen.
2. Tap the All Apps icon.
3. Tap Kobo.
Kobo tour
Your library
Your library is where all your books and free book previews are stored. You can view the books you
purchased or downloaded in your library. Your library is also further sorted into shelves. Shelves
allow you to filter the books you see in your library in to three categories (All, Preview, and Books).
For example, you can choose to see only the free previews you downloaded. Or, you can choose to
see all the books you have in your library.
There are three types of book shelves:
All: Displays your entire book collection, including book previews.
Preview: Displays book previews in your collection.
Books: Displays your eBooks.