August 2001 xi
About This Guide
This Operator’s Guide for the KODAK PROFESSIONAL HR 500 Film Scanner
includes procedures for operating, maintaining, and troubleshooting the scanner.
It also includes an appendix for the optional Long Roll Accessory.
This guide is intended for personnel who operate the scanner. It assumes you
have a basic knowledge of computer operations and film scanners.
Using This Guide
The guide is organized as follows:
Chapter 1 Introduction—product description, features and benefits, equipment
overview, and recommended configuration
Chapter 2 Connecting and Operating the Scanner—connecting the Kodak
Professional HR 500 Film Scanner to the host computer, starting up the
scanner, preparing to scan an image, performing a scan and shutting
down the scanner
Chapter 3 Validating the Scanner—instructions for using the Service and
Assembly Module (SAM) and Adobe PhotoShop software to validate that
the scanner functions properly
Chapter 4 Maintaining the Equipment—procedures to be done by the person in
your lab who is responsible for maintenance of the scanner
Appendix A Using the Service and Assembly Module (SAM)—an overview of
using SAM for validating the scanner and for other user functions
Appendix B Ordering Accessories and Supplies—includes descriptions and order
numbers for scanner accessories and supplies
Appendix C Scanner Specifications—includes space, electrical, and environmental
requirements for the scanner
Appendix D Using the Long Roll Accessory—instructions for installing and using
the (optional) Long Roll Accessory with the scanner