Humidity Coefficient of Linear Expansion
Unprocessed 0.0017% per % RH
Processed 0.0016% per % RH
Processing Dimensional Change
Dependent on drying conditions
4. Graphs
How do the graphs on the following pages correspond to the letters below? There are 3 graphs, but only
an A and a B. The titles don’t match, either.
Using Kodak RA 2000 developer and replenisher (1:4)
A. Kodak ImageLite ESY scanner film/Kodak Gen 5 GAI film (3-96)
B. Kodak ImageLite IRF scanner film/ Kodak Gen 5 GIR film (2-94)
Spectral Sensitivity
A. Kodak ImageLite ESY scanner film/ Kodak Gen 5 GAI film (4-96)
B. Kodak ImageLite IRF scanner film/ Kodak Gen 5 GIR film (2-94)
NOTICE: While the data presented are typical of production coatings, they do not represent standards
that must be met by Kodak. Varying storage, exposure, and processing conditions will affect results. The
company reserves the right to change and improve product characteristics at any time.