Below is a conversion table of filter factors to exposure
i n c rease in stops.
Each time a filter factor is doubled, the exposure needs
to be increased by 1 stop. As an example, a filter factor
of 2 re q u i res a 1-stop exposure increase. A filter factor of
4 re q u i res a 2-stop exposure increase. Use this example
for filter factors not listed in the above table.
Color Compensating Filters
Color compensating filters control light by attenuating
principally the red, green, or blue part of the spectrum.
While controlling one color, the filter transmits one or
both of the other two colors. Thus, color compensating
filters can make changes to the color balance of picture s
re c o rded on color films, or compensate for deficiencies in
the spectral quality of a light source. For optimum re s u l t s ,
use the single recommended color compensating fil t e r
rather than combining filters (for example, CC20Y +
CC20M = 20R, so using 20R only is preferable). KODAK
W R ATTEN Gelatin Filters/Color Compensating Filters
have excellent optical quality and are suitable for image
f o r ming optical systems
o v e r-the-camera lens, for
example. For less critical work, you may use KODAK
Color Printing Filters (acetate).
Filter + Filter + Filter +
Factor Stops Factor Stops Factor Stops
1 . 2 5
⁄2 4 2 12 3
⁄3 5 2
⁄3 40 5
2 1 6 2
⁄3 100 6
2.5 1
⁄2 8 3 1000 10
3 1
⁄3 10 3
⁄3 – –
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