Depth of field lever
When you use a lens with an automatic
diaphragm, the exposure meter of the LEICA R7
works at full lens aperture. Press the depth of
field lever
to close the lens diaphragm to the
preset value; when it is in this position, you can
visually check the depth of field. This is
particularly useful for close-ups.
To avoid misleading exposure meter
readings, do not press the depth of field lever
while taking a reading.
Depth of field scale on lens
The depth of field scale
on the lens indicates
the depth of field available for the focusing
distance at the aperture you have set.
For example, when focusing a SUMMICRON-R
f/2/50mm lens at 5m, the depth of field at f-stop
11 is from 3 m to about 20m. At f-stop 4, the
field is in focus from about 4m to 8m. The Leica
depth of field table (Order no. 920003) contains
full details of the depth of field available at any
focal length.