place more than 3 lbs.(1.36 kg) in the parent tray to avoid
• Do not allow children to play with or hang onto the stroller.
NNeevveerr uussee tthhiiss ssttrroolllleerr oonn ssttaaiirrwwaayyss oorr eessccaallaattoorrss..
DDOO NNOOTT lliifftt bbyy ttrraayy oorr ttooyyss..
MMaakkee ssuurree cchhiillddrreenn aarree cclleeaarr ooff aannyy mmoovviinngg ppaarrttss
if you adjust the
stroller, otherwise they may be injured.
Do not use this product
while running, jogging, in-line skating or participating in other
athletic activities.
DDOO NNOOTT ppuutt cchhiilldd iinn bbaasskkeett..
•• RReefflleeccttoorrss aarree ffoorr ddeeccoorraattiivvee ppuurrppoossee oonnllyy..
TTaakkee ccaarree wwhheenn ffoollddiinngg aanndd uunnffoollddiinngg ttoo pprreevveenntt ffiinnggeerr ppiinncchhiinngg..
• Product may become unstable if a parcel bag, other than the one
recommended by the manufacturer is used.
allow children to climb into stroller unassisted. Stroller
may tip over and injure child.
• Keep air filled wheels at a recommended tire pressure of 30 p.s.i.
(210 kPa) (select models).
• Only use replacement parts supplied by the manufacturer. If you
have a flat air filled tire, you may use a standard bicycle tire repair
kit or take it to a bicycle shop to be repaired. (Select Models)
How to Use this Stroller with Your Infant Car Seat
• This product is only to be used with certain Infant Car Seats. See below
for list of compatible Infant Car Seats.
• When using this product with your Infant Car Seat, infant must always
be secured in the car seat with the car seat harness.
• To ensure your Infant Car Seat is properly installed on the stroller,
make sure it is:
• Facing the person pushing the stroller.
• Tightly secure to the stroller with the car seat restraint straps.
• If at any time your Infant Car Seat does not secure properly to the
stroller, or if you have questions about assembly or use of the stroller,
Do Not use this product. Call Kolcraft at 1-800-453-7673.
• Only transport infants that are within the size and weight limitations of
your Infant Car Seat, as described in the instruction manual provided
by the Infant Car Seat manufacturer.
Continued on next page