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for example, on CD-Rs/CD-RWs allows for storage
of a considerably greater volume of music than on
commercially available audio CDs, on which audio
data is stored in the CDA format.
The structure of an MP3-CD can, for example, appear
as follows, if the MP3 data is stored in files:
WMA ("Windows® Media Audio") is a data format
developed by Microsoft® for audio data.
JPEG ("Joint Photographics Expert Group") denotes
a wide spread graphic format, developed by the
organization with the same name, with which image
data of the colour and grey scales are compressed.
DivX is a coding format for videos and multimedia
data, invented by the DivX Networks, Inc company.
MPEG ("Moving Picture Experts Group") refers to
a video compression format.
20.6 What are files?
As opposed to audio CDs the title on a CD-R/CD-
RW with MP3-, WMA- or JPEG data can be stored
in files, for example, in order to file titles from different
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