To connect the DVD player to a television with a Scart
1 Insert the supplied Scart cable into the socket on
the DVD player labelled with Euro Scart.
2 Insert the Scart cable into the Scart socket of the
Fig. 3 Connecting a television via Scart cable / RGB
3 Set the television to RGB mode in the AV channel.
In case of doubt, consult the operating manual of
the television for instructions.
On this topic, also refer to Section 9.5. "Configuring
the Video Output/ TV Mode".
7.4.2. Connecting to a Television via S-Video
For this type of connection, the television must have an S-
video input and two unused RCA sockets. In case of
doubt, consult the operating manual of the television.You
also require an S-video cable, as none is supplied. S-video
cables are available in audio/video stores.
To connect the DVD player to a television via S-video:
1 Plug the S-video cable into the S-video socket on
the DVD player.
2 Plug the other end of the S-video cable into the
S-video socket on the television.
3 Pick up the included audio/video RCA cable. Insert
the white plug of the audio/video RCA cable into
the RCA socket FL on the DVD player.
4 Insert the second white plug of the audio/video
RCA cable into the RCA socket for the left
channel on the television.
5 Insert the red plug of the audio/video RCA cable into
the RCA socket FR on the DVD player.
6 Insert the second red plug of the audio/video RCA
cable into the RCA socket for the right channel on
the television.
Fig. 4 Connecting a television via S-video
7 Set the television to the AV channel that displays
the S-video signal. Consult the operating manual of
the television if you are unsure how to do this.
Check in the operating manual of the television
whether additional settings must be configured on
the television.
On this topic, also refer to Section 9.5. "Configuring
the Video Output / TV Mode".
7.4.3. Connecting to a Television via the
Video Input (Composite Video)
If the television to which you would like to connect the
DVD player …
does not have an S-video input and
does not have a Scart socket, but does have RCA
you can connect the DVD player to the television via
the video input. This connection option is referred to as
composite video. To do this:
1 Pick up the included audio/video RCA cable. Insert
the yellow plug of the audio/video RCA cable into
the video socket on the DVD player.
2 Insert the second yellow plug of the audio/video
RCA cable into the corresponding RCA socket on
the television.
3 Insert the white plug of the audio/video RCA cable into
the RCA socket FL on the DVD player.
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