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The various indicators have the following meanings:
- The LED blinks red and green every second
(Not for 9V Block batteries):
The batteries are alternately charged and
discharged for about 8 minutes. (Refresh-Function:
Older batteries or those that have been stored for
a long period will be refreshed.).
- The LED flashes red and green in a 1/2 second
rhythm: The batteries will be discharged to help
reduce the memory-effect.
- The LED glows red constantly:
The batteries are being charged.
- The LED glows green constantly:
The batteries are fully charged and the Battery
Charger has switched over to trickle charge.
The batteries could become hot during charging.
NEVER touch hot batteries! There is a danger of
being burnt!
• Remove the power cable of the Battery Charger
from the plug socket and allow the batteries to
cool down.
Afterwards you can remove the charged batteries
from the Battery Charger.
Calculating the average charging time
Dependant on the type, age and remaining battery
charge, hence the charging process takes different
lengths of time. The average charging times can be
calculated using the following formula.
Note, however, that the times calculated are only
Current time (Min.) =
Capacity of t
he battery (mAh) x 1,5 x 60
Charging current of the appliance (mA)
Automatic charging control/
Retention charging
This Battery Charger controls the charging time for
rechargable batteries of the types Ni-Cd and Ni-MH
separately. This control is based on the –Δ U
(„minus Delta U“) calculation.
In mathematics, with Delta Δ differences are
„Minus Delta U“ in this case means a negative
voltage difference.
This charge identification makes itself useful in the
following effects:
Should a battery be charged with a constant current,
its voltage rises continuously. When the battery is
full, its voltage reaches a maximum and falls lightly
with further current flow. This light fall in voltage is
recognised by the charging electronics and the
charge process is terminated. The Battery Charger
automatically switches to „Retention charging“.
This means that the batteries are no longer being
charged with continuous power, but with short power
impulses instead. This counteracts the process of
self-discharge, thus retaining the batteries in a fully
charged condition.
Timer control
In addition, this charger is fitted with a timer control,
which after 15 hours automatically switches over to
trickle charge. This serves as additional protection
against overcharging should the charge terminating
device not respond, due to a possibly defective
IB_KH968_RP38017_LB6 17.11.2009 10:00 Uhr Seite 5