VS-211H - Using the VS-211H
Figure 2: VS-211H Connections
4.2 Selecting the Default Master Source Signal
When active input sources are connected to IN 1 and IN 2, the DEFAULT INPUT
switch setting determines the default master input source.
If the master input signal is not detected, the VS-211H automatically activates the
standby input:
If IN 1 is the default input and it fails, IN 2 activates
If IN 2 is the default input and it fails, IN 1 activates
If the master input reactivates while the standby input is active, the unit
automatically switches back to the master input:
If IN 2 is active while IN 1 is the default input, when IN 1 reactivates, it is
switched to the output
If IN 1 is active while IN 2 is the default input, when IN 2 reactivates, it is
switched to the output