Optional Liquid Line Bypass Kit For Hot Gas Defrost
The LWG may be eld piped for hot gas defrost using the optional bypass kit.
When compressor vapor, in reverse cycle defrosting, is directed back into the evaporator at the suction
connection, it condenses into liquid. The eld-installed liquid line bypass kit directs the condensed liquid
around the thermostatic expansion valve and back into the liquid line.
Bypass kits include bypass piping, check valve and instructions. Adjustable fan control is shipped loose
with hot gas units.
Performance Data
Model LWG Hot Gas Defrost | 60 Hz
Capacity Fan Data
10°F TD
25°F SST
6°C TD
-4°C SST
15°F TD
25°F SST
8°C TD
-4°C SST
No. CFM m
BTUH Watts BTUH Watts
LWG100 10,000 2,930 15,000 4,390 2 1,450 2,465
LWG130 13,000 3,810 19,500 5,710 2 1,470 2,499
LWG155 15,500 4,540 23,250 6,810 2 1,460 2,482
LWG180 18,000 5,270 27,000 7,910 3 2,130 3,621
21,000 6,150 31,500 9,230 4 2,840 4,828
27,000 7,910 40,500 11,860 4 2,800 4,760
LWG340 34,000 9,960 51,000 14,940 5 3,500 5,950
Model LWG Hot Gas Defrost | 50 Hz
Capacity Fan Data
10°F TD
25°F SST
6°C TD
-4°C SST
15°F TD
25°F SST
8°C TD
-4°C SST
No. CFM m
BTUH Watts BTUH Watts
LWG100 9,500 2,780 14,300 4,190 2 1,310 2,227
LWG130 12,400 3,630 18,500 5,420 2 1,330 2,261
LWG155 14,700 4,310 22,100 6,470 2 1,320 2,244
LWG180 17,100 5,010 25,700 7,530 3 1,920 3,264
20,000 5,860 29,900 8,760 4 2,560 4,352
25,700 7,530 38,500 11,280 4 2,530 4,301
LWG340 32,300 9,460 48,500 14,210 5 3,160 5,372
For EC motors, use 60 Hz capacity and airflow values (Units with EC motors operating at
50 Hz will not see a reduction in performance due to the electronic control of the motor)