Supply Voltage ~100V, ~120V, ~220V, ~230V, ~240V 50/60Hz Factory Option
Mains Fuse (~220V>240V = T250mA L 250V) (~100>120V = T500mA L 250V)
HT Fuse T100mA L
Power Consumption 50W
Output Power Rating 15W
Loudspeaker 10” Jensen C10Q8
Features Pure Class A/B Valve tone
2xEL84 Power Tubes (Matched Set TAD)
3x12AX7 Preamp tubes (TAD)
Hi & Lo Gain Inputs
Rugged construction
FX Loop (Side Chain Type, Nominal 750mV Level)
Footswitchable Yes, Channel and Reverb (FS2 Optional)
Reverb Yes (Triple Spring ‘Sound Enhancements’)
EQ Passive Bass, Middle and Treble
Tone (Active on top end of signal)
Bright Switch
Input Impedance 1MOhm
Size 368*450*205
Unit Weight 14.0 Kg (Shipping Weight
Loudspeaker outputs Extension speaker socket(Disconnects Internal speaker)
(Minimum 8 Ohm Impedance)
15.0 Kg)
This product conforms to the requirements of the following European Regulations, Directives & Rules:-
CE Mark (93/68/EEC), Low Voltage (72/23/EEC), EMC (93/68/EEC),
RoHS (EU2002/95/EC), WEEE (EU2002/96/EC)
In order to reduce environmental damage, at the end of its useful life, this product must not be disposed of along with normal
household waste to landfill sites. It must be taken to an approved recycling centre according to the recommendations of the WEEE
(Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) directive applicable in your country.
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